Training resources and online training platform for the improvement of instructional practices in adult education
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About the Project
Educators across the EU feel relatively prepared in the subject that they are teaching but declare CPD needs in the areas related to innovative and effective teaching methods, such as ICT skills for teaching, approaches for more effective and individualized learning, the application of new technologies in teaching, approaches to developing students’ and trainers’ transversal skills, and teaching in a multicultural or multilingual environment.
This platform shall involve the development of skills and competences in several specific transversal areas related to instrutional practice. The resources on this platform are organized in a way that make them suitable both for self-study and for use in CPD programs in the adult education sector.
The resources are structured into 8 training modules:
- Flipped classroom approach
- Project-based learning
- Techniques for stimulating the logical thinking, imagination and memory of adult learners, including through visual tools and special memorizing techniques
- Effective techniques for communication and work with parents and family members of adult learners
- Applying creativity techniques in adult education
- Using interactive (online and digital) resources, e-learning tools and social media in adult education; ICT-based tutoring services, pedagogies and practices
- Monitoring adult learners’ performance
- Culturally responsive teaching techniques
Each module includes:
- A reference framework indicating the skills and competencies that will be improved through the training
- A training manual for adult educators in the specific area, intended to improve instructional practices through new techniques, approaches, technologies or training organization plans, including conceptual clarification, presentation of useful approaches and techniques, quick tips
- Sample supporting materials that could be used in training
- List of further training resources or sources of information or materials on the topic
- Evaluation and tests